Nutricia Cubitan 速氨健 200ml x 48支 <2箱開心價> [有助促進傷口愈合]
速氨健含有20克蛋白質,及含豊富精氨酸,鋅,維他命C和E,有助促進傷口愈合及適合壓瘡患者服用,開啟便可飲用 Cubitan is a ready-to-drink, nutritionally complete oral supplement enriched with nutrients essential for wound healing including arginine, vitamin C and zinc. Cubitan is a high protein (20g/200ml), high energy (250kcal/200ml), milkshake style nutritional supplement, designed for the dietary management of patients with chronic wounds....
Activon Manuka Honey® 醫療級蜂蜜敷料 [治療 I 至 IV 期傷口 /壓瘡]
蜂蜜敷料作為非抗生素類的治療藥物已成為慢性感染性傷口處理的有效措施。蜂蜜可通過提供傷口營養、控制傷口感染、抗炎、清除壞死組織、調節傷口癒合相關細胞因子等多種途徑促進傷口癒合。除了蜂蜜的局部抗菌性能,它也能作為一種自溶性清創劑,抗炎劑,和惡臭傷口的除臭劑,用於維持潮濕的傷口環境。 Activon Tube - 100% Medical Grade Manuka honey 想知道更多有關 "壓瘡/醫學營養治療" 的詳情?請按這裡 專科傷口護理 - 成功例子分享 (請按標題) <文章會顯示部分傷口的圖片, 有機會令人不安, 不適合觀看者, 請勿往下閱讀, 謝謝!> [Features] Manuka honey brings the following properties: Anti-bacterial, effectively kills harmful bacteria Eliminates odours without masking them Osmotic effect, drawing harmful tissue away from the wound...
HyperOil®快膚適 傷口護理液 (牛皮癬/潰瘍/濕疹)
$320.00 Sold Out
Wound care treatment using a single product is possible thanks to Hyperoil®: advanced, multi-functional and self-sufficient wound dressing. Multi-functional because suitable for lesions of any type and nature. Self-sufficient, preventing the aid of disinfectants. 高效抗菌、抗水腫、止血及鎮靜效用,能為傷口提供一個濕潤的環境,保護組織並促進其癒合。天然植物製造,含活性印楝素及貫葉金絲桃素,科研証明,高度抗菌及抗水腫,對大部分傷口癒合有促進癒合及鎮靜作用。 意大利品牌主要功能 - 保持傷口濕潤的環境,促進癒合 ...
Nutricia Cubitan 速氨健 200ml x 24支 [有助促進傷口愈合]
$660.00 Sold Out
速氨健含有20克蛋白質,及含豊富精氨酸,鋅,維他命C和E,有助促進傷口愈合及適合壓瘡患者服用,開啟便可飲用 Cubitan is a ready-to-drink, nutritionally complete oral supplement enriched with nutrients essential for wound healing including arginine, vitamin C and zinc. Cubitan is a high protein (20g/200ml), high energy (250kcal/200ml), milkshake style nutritional supplement, designed for the dietary management of patients with chronic wounds....
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