雀巢Nestlé COMPLEAT®  天源素® 美味營養湯 250mL x 48支  <2箱開心價>

雀巢Nestlé COMPLEAT® 天源素® 美味營養湯 250mL x 48支 <2箱開心價>


天源素® 美味營養湯採用天然食材,如雞肉、香桃、番茄、胡蘿蔔、豌豆及紅莓汁製成; 美味可口; 可作口服營養補充品或管飼配方。 COMPLEAT® is a nutritionally complete blenderized formula made with real food ingredients including chicken puree, tomatoes, carrots, peas and cranberry juice. It is suitable for both oral supplementation and tube feeding. 產品特徵 • 能量: 毎毫升1.06千卡• 一盒(250 毫升)提供: 蛋白質: 12 克• 適合乳糖不耐受人士• 採用優質食材, 容易消化吸收 適合人士...

ENSURE NutriVigor 雅培活力加營素 850g

$249.00 Sold Out

成年人於40至70歲平均總共流失24%肌肉質量,肌肉流失會影響正常體力及活動力。要保持健康體魄,必須攝取完整均衡營養,以確保體力充足,繼續活得精彩。 含有「強肌配方」的活力加營素®,以尖端科研配製,提供全面均衡營養,有助維持肌肉強健、健康體魄及正常體重   Between the ages of 40 to 70 years, adults lose on average 24% of their muscle mass. This loss of muscle mass can affect our strength and vitality. Complete nutrition is essential to maintain a healthy body, which is important for strength and...

ENSURE Vanilla Powder 雅培金裝加營素 900g

$199.00 Sold Out

Ensure 雅培金裝加營素含11種護心營養素,不含反式脂肪及膽固醇,有效保持心臟血管健康。含26種活力元素,提供完整均衡營養,避免因乳糖不適而引起肚瀉。成人奶品均衡營養品幫助刺激腸道益菌增生,提升抵抗力。 Ensure provides complete and balanced nutrition for use as a meal replacement, or as a supplement. It is SPECIALLY FORMULATED with a heart-friendly fat blend, ENSURE contains low saturated fatty acids, no cholesterol and no trans fatty acids, and meets the American Heart...
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