SANOFI Mobility 動必骼 (沖包)   關節營養補充品  每盒30包 300g

SANOFI Mobility 動必骼 (沖包) 關節營養補充品 每盒30包 300g

On Sale from $400.00 Regular price $480.00

MobilityTM 動必骼 是一種由先進技術製成的關節營養補充品,成份為生物活性骨膠原蛋白肽。MobilityTM有助: MobilityTM is an advanced nutritional supplement for joint health with Bioactive collagen peptides as its ingredient. MobilityTM can be mixed in any non-carbonated and non-alcoholic liquid or food of your choice.  修補及有助製造再生膝關節軟骨,有助保持關節靈活 修補關節同時針對骨膠原和蛋白多醣,佔90%關節成分 改善腳力及活動能力 早於12個星期見效 想知道更多有關產品的詳情?請按這裡   用法: 將MobilityTM沖包與你所選的飲料和食物(酒精或有氣飲料除外)混合即可飲用或食用。每日一包。 成份: Hydrolyzed collagen 10克 包裝: 每盒30包 Functions...

Somazina® 100 mg/mL Oral solution "有助改善因中風引致的認知能力和神經系統失調" - 30ml

$140.00 Sold Out

Somazina ®  有助治療因中風(急性期、非急性期)及創傷性腦損傷引起的認知能力和神經系統失調  。 Somazina  is used for treating cognitive and neurological disorders associated with acute and sub-acute stroke, and TBIs (traumatic brain injuries) . <<由於此產品需要醫生處方, HK HEALTH MALL 將提供一次免費醫生諮詢>> 請致電我們: 6321 7116 Somazina ® 經臨床研究驗證,有助改善因中風引致的認知能力和神經系統失調 長期使用 Somazina ® 有助預防認知能力*衰退 *經評估的認知能力   : •  集中及執行力•  語言• ...
維憶健-VAY-C -Vayacog (30 capsules) [適合關注早期記憶減退人士使用]

維憶健-VAY-C -Vayacog (30 capsules) [適合關注早期記憶減退人士使用]


適合關注早期記憶減退人士使用Medical food for the dietary management of Early Memory Impairment DESCRIPTION Vayacog® is an orally administered medical food for the clinical dietary management of complex lipid imbalances associated with early memory impairment. Vayacog® is a specially formulated and processed composition designed to address the distinct,...
Nutricia Souvenaid 智敏捷 125ml x 48支 <2箱開心價>1箱24支 [有助初期腦退化人士改善記憶力]

Nutricia Souvenaid 智敏捷 125ml x 48支 <2箱開心價>1箱24支 [有助初期腦退化人士改善記憶力]


Souvenaid® 智敏捷® 是一種有效改善記憶力的醫學營養品;獨特的專利營養配方 Fortasyn Connect™,含有促進腦部神經細胞聯繫的主要營養素:奧米加3脂肪酸、尿苷單磷酸、膽鹼、維他命B、C、E及硒,支持腦部突觸形成,有助初期腦退化人士改善記憶力。 臨床實驗證明可改善認知功能,適合關注腦部健康,認知及記憶力減退人士使用。 Souvenaid® is a medical nutrition drink that nutritionally supports memory function in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Souvenaid® is designed to be taken as one bottle (125ml) once a day, in addition to the normal dietary intake; to nutritionally support the...
Nutricia Cubitan 速氨健 200ml x 48支  <2箱開心價>   [有助促進傷口愈合]

Nutricia Cubitan 速氨健 200ml x 48支 <2箱開心價> [有助促進傷口愈合]


速氨健含有20克蛋白質,及含豊富精氨酸,鋅,維他命C和E,有助促進傷口愈合及適合壓瘡患者服用,開啟便可飲用 Cubitan is a ready-to-drink, nutritionally complete oral supplement enriched with nutrients essential for wound healing including arginine, vitamin C and zinc.  Cubitan is a high protein (20g/200ml), high energy (250kcal/200ml), milkshake style nutritional supplement, designed for the dietary management of patients with chronic wounds....
Nutricia Fortisip Compact Protein 營保健 125ml x 48支 [高熱量及高蛋白質營養奶昔] <2箱開心價>

Nutricia Fortisip Compact Protein 營保健 125ml x 48支 [高熱量及高蛋白質營養奶昔] <2箱開心價>


營保健 (高熱量及高蛋白質營養補充品) 1) 高熱量及高蛋白質營養奶昔 2) 高熱量及高蛋白質配方 3) 營養豐富,適合無法從飲食中獲取足夠營養的人士 4) 適合需要限制水份攝取的人士 Fortisip Compact Protein is a Food for Special Medical Purposes for use under medical supervision. Fortisip Compact Protein is a high energy (2.4kcal/ml), high protein (18g protein/125ml bottle), ready to drink, milkshake style nutritional supplement,...

新加坡 Air Plus 口罩 抽氣機 - AIR Active Ventilator

$250.00 Sold Out

< 新加坡 Air Plus 口罩  > Air Plus口罩,經歐洲 CE FFP1/2/3 及 美國 NIOSH (N95) 測試認証,配備 Micro Ventilator / Smart Mask 專利,有效保護用家,大大減低空氣污染及病毒感染機會。 Smart Mask filters at least 95% of all non-oil based airborne particles, including harmful air pollution such as PM2.5 particles, haze, volcanic ash and...

新加坡 Air Plus 口罩 抽氣機 - AIR Micro Ventilator

$199.00 Sold Out

< 新加坡 Air Plus 口罩  > Air Plus口罩,經歐洲 CE FFP1/2/3 及 美國 NIOSH (N95) 測試認証,配備 Micro Ventilator / Smart Mask 專利,有效保護用家,大大減低空氣污染及病毒感染機會。 Smart Mask filters at least 95% of all non-oil based airborne particles, including harmful air pollution such as PM2.5 particles, haze, volcanic ash and...
雀巢Nestlé COMPLEAT®  天源素® 美味營養湯 250mL x 48支  <2箱開心價>

雀巢Nestlé COMPLEAT® 天源素® 美味營養湯 250mL x 48支 <2箱開心價>


天源素® 美味營養湯採用天然食材,如雞肉、香桃、番茄、胡蘿蔔、豌豆及紅莓汁製成; 美味可口; 可作口服營養補充品或管飼配方。 COMPLEAT® is a nutritionally complete blenderized formula made with real food ingredients including chicken puree, tomatoes, carrots, peas and cranberry juice. It is suitable for both oral supplementation and tube feeding. 產品特徵 • 能量: 毎毫升1.06千卡• 一盒(250 毫升)提供: 蛋白質: 12 克• 適合乳糖不耐受人士• 採用優質食材, 容易消化吸收 適合人士...
韓國名廠製造 EDGC™ RapidCare 新冠肺炎病毒抗原快速測試 (20Tests/盒)  Korea EDGC™ COVID-19 Antigen Test

韓國名廠製造 EDGC™ RapidCare 新冠肺炎病毒抗原快速測試 (20Tests/盒) Korea EDGC™ COVID-19 Antigen Test


用於檢測新冠肺炎病毒抗原的快速診斷測試。 EDGC™ RapidCare COVID-19 Ag 檢測是一種快速免疫層析測定技術, 用於定性檢測鼻咽內或鼻拭子中新冠肺炎的核殼蛋白抗原。 EDGC™ COVID-19 Ag Test:  Rapid Diagnostic Test for the Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Antigen  -- is a rapid immunochromatographic assay for the qualitative detection of nucleocapsid protein antigen from SARS-CoV-2 in nasopharyngeal or nasal swab from individuals who are suspected...
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