SANOFI Mobility 動必骼 (沖包)   關節營養補充品  每盒30包 300g

SANOFI Mobility 動必骼 (沖包) 關節營養補充品 每盒30包 300g

On Sale from $400.00 Regular price $480.00

MobilityTM 動必骼 是一種由先進技術製成的關節營養補充品,成份為生物活性骨膠原蛋白肽。MobilityTM有助: MobilityTM is an advanced nutritional supplement for joint health with Bioactive collagen peptides as its ingredient. MobilityTM can be mixed in any non-carbonated and non-alcoholic liquid or food of your choice.  修補及有助製造再生膝關節軟骨,有助保持關節靈活 修補關節同時針對骨膠原和蛋白多醣,佔90%關節成分 改善腳力及活動能力 早於12個星期見效 想知道更多有關產品的詳情?請按這裡   用法: 將MobilityTM沖包與你所選的飲料和食物(酒精或有氣飲料除外)混合即可飲用或食用。每日一包。 成份: Hydrolyzed collagen 10克 包裝: 每盒30包 Functions...
Nutricia Souvenaid 智敏捷 125ml x 48支 <2箱開心價>1箱24支 [有助初期腦退化人士改善記憶力]

Nutricia Souvenaid 智敏捷 125ml x 48支 <2箱開心價>1箱24支 [有助初期腦退化人士改善記憶力]


Souvenaid® 智敏捷® 是一種有效改善記憶力的醫學營養品;獨特的專利營養配方 Fortasyn Connect™,含有促進腦部神經細胞聯繫的主要營養素:奧米加3脂肪酸、尿苷單磷酸、膽鹼、維他命B、C、E及硒,支持腦部突觸形成,有助初期腦退化人士改善記憶力。 臨床實驗證明可改善認知功能,適合關注腦部健康,認知及記憶力減退人士使用。 Souvenaid® is a medical nutrition drink that nutritionally supports memory function in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Souvenaid® is designed to be taken as one bottle (125ml) once a day, in addition to the normal dietary intake; to nutritionally support the...
Fresubin Supportan® Drink  加力康™癌症專用營養品  200毫升 x 24支  [商戶直送]

Fresubin Supportan® Drink 加力康™癌症專用營養品 200毫升 x 24支 [商戶直送]


加力康 符合歐洲腸内外營養學會(ESPEN*) 食品建議。跟其他癌症營養品比較,加力康癌症專用營養品是唯一低醣高能量高蛋白配方~,補充癌症病人營養。 癌症患者容易出現營養不良及體重下降的問题。視乎癌症的種類及嚴重程度,大慨有31%-87%的癌症患者都會出現體重下降的情況。 Supportan® matches with ESPEN* food recommendation. Compared with other cancer nutrition products, Supportan® has unique low carbohydrate, high energy, high protein formula** to supplement for cancer patients nutrition.  Cancer patients usually have problem of malnutrition and weight loss1 Depending on types and severity...


On Sale $300.00 Regular price $388.00

保達武是一款營養補充品,主要成份為鋸葉棕櫚,專為40歲以上的男士而設,專有助維持前列健康,令你輕鬆又暢通  Prostamol is a health supplement for men over 40. It promotes healthy prostate function and reduces sleep disruption, thus maintaining vigour and quality of life. Prostamol is made in Germany; 90% respondents saw initial improvement after 30 days;  Prostamol uses Serenoa Repens extract, which helps to: Maintain...
FRESUBIN® DIBEN DRINK  倍速定關注血糖營養品  200ml X 48支 [ 2箱開心價 ]

FRESUBIN® DIBEN DRINK 倍速定關注血糖營養品 200ml X 48支 [ 2箱開心價 ]


跟一般營養奶不同,陪速定關注血糖營養品是專為糖尿病人而設計,其理念建立於地中海的膳食慨念,目的是控制穩定的血糖水平從而預防或延遲糖尿病惡化,同時提供適合的能量組合從而控制體重。 Unlike other nutritional drink, Diben drink is tailored for the need of diabetes patients. Its concept is based on Mediterranean diet. The purpose is to control stable blood sugar level in order to prevent or postpone the deterioration of diabetes and at the same...
QV INTENSIVE WITH CERAMIDES 醫學修護系列  潤膚霜/潔膚露 孖裝開心價  [醫生專用]  350ml

QV INTENSIVE WITH CERAMIDES 醫學修護系列 潤膚霜/潔膚露 孖裝開心價 [醫生專用] 350ml

On Sale from $433.00 Regular price $500.00

醫學修護系列-潤膚霜 醫學配方有助於強化皮膚屏障,舒緩乾燥痕癢泛紅的皮膚.極乾痕及濕疹皮膚適用. 獨特醫學配方 Ceramides EOP & NP Complex及修護因子, 幫助強化皮膚屏障. 舒緩肌膚乾痕問題.弱酸性、不含香料、防腐劑, 通過皮膚科測試.  [Clinically proven to help reinforce skin barrier]  For eczema prone skin. QV intensive with Ceramides Light Moisturising Cream is a dermatologically tested, enriched cream to help reinforce the skin barrier by alleviating very dry...
Fresubin® 2kCal Drink  倍力康™2千卡高能量營養品  200毫升 x 48支  [ 2箱開心價 ]

Fresubin® 2kCal Drink 倍力康™2千卡高能量營養品 200毫升 x 48支 [ 2箱開心價 ]

On Sale $1,270.00 Regular price $1,400.00

倍力康™2kcal高能量營養品是完整均衡營養品,專為需要額外補充營養人土而設。它可提供人體所需的營養素包括碳水化合物、蛋白質、脂肪、各種維生素及礦物質,特引適合蛋白質或熱量攝取不足人士,可作日常營養或代替主餐之用。 Fresubin® 2kcal drink is complete balanced nutrition. It is tailor made for people who need extra nutrition. It provides nutrition of what your body needs, including carbohydrate, protein, fat and various vitamins and minerals. It is especially suitable to people who do not have enough...

Viartril-S 維固力 [對退化性關節炎具療效]

From $380.00 Sold Out

要更有效擊退關節痛,Viartril-S (維固力) 是意大利羅達馬博士藥廠研發藥品,擁有多項臨床醫學研究,其所含的有效成份是Crystalline Glucosamine Sulphate,並且是唯一經過全世界各大醫學研究機構臨床實驗證明,對退化性關節炎具療效的Crystalline Glucosamine Sulphate 製劑,能緩解骨關節病患者的症狀,改善活動能力和減慢軟骨磨損,是最穩健之選。 Contains the clinically tested Crystalline Glucosamine Sulphate for mild to moderate joint pain. Originally formulated and patented by Rottapharm and has been approved as a prescription drug in Europe for the treatment of osteoarthritis. The only glucosamine...

Somazina® 100 mg/mL Oral solution "有助改善因中風引致的認知能力和神經系統失調" - 30ml

$140.00 Sold Out

Somazina ®  有助治療因中風(急性期、非急性期)及創傷性腦損傷引起的認知能力和神經系統失調  。 Somazina  is used for treating cognitive and neurological disorders associated with acute and sub-acute stroke, and TBIs (traumatic brain injuries) . <<由於此產品需要醫生處方, HK HEALTH MALL 將提供一次免費醫生諮詢>> 請致電我們: 6321 7116 Somazina ® 經臨床研究驗證,有助改善因中風引致的認知能力和神經系統失調 長期使用 Somazina ® 有助預防認知能力*衰退 *經評估的認知能力   : •  集中及執行力•  語言• ...
果之保 果味營養品 (Fresubin® Jucy Drink) 200ml X 48支 [ 2箱開心價 ]

果之保 果味營養品 (Fresubin® Jucy Drink) 200ml X 48支 [ 2箱開心價 ]


果之保TM高蛋白高能量營養品是專為需要額外補充營養人士而設。可提供人體所需的營養素、各種维生素及礦物質。適用於蛋白質及熱量攝取不足、胃口不佳人士,亦可作日常補充營養之用,是奶類營養品外的另一選擇。 Fresubin® jucy drink is tailored for people with extra need of nutrition supplement. It provides body nutrients which include carbohydrate, protein, fat and various vitamins and minerals. It is suitable for people who does not have enough intake of protein and energy and lose appetite....
Nutricia Cubitan 速氨健 200ml x 48支  <2箱開心價>   [有助促進傷口愈合]

Nutricia Cubitan 速氨健 200ml x 48支 <2箱開心價> [有助促進傷口愈合]


速氨健含有20克蛋白質,及含豊富精氨酸,鋅,維他命C和E,有助促進傷口愈合及適合壓瘡患者服用,開啟便可飲用 Cubitan is a ready-to-drink, nutritionally complete oral supplement enriched with nutrients essential for wound healing including arginine, vitamin C and zinc.  Cubitan is a high protein (20g/200ml), high energy (250kcal/200ml), milkshake style nutritional supplement, designed for the dietary management of patients with chronic wounds....
Nutricia Fortisip Compact Protein 營保健 125ml x 48支 [高熱量及高蛋白質營養奶昔] <2箱開心價>

Nutricia Fortisip Compact Protein 營保健 125ml x 48支 [高熱量及高蛋白質營養奶昔] <2箱開心價>


營保健 (高熱量及高蛋白質營養補充品) 1) 高熱量及高蛋白質營養奶昔 2) 高熱量及高蛋白質配方 3) 營養豐富,適合無法從飲食中獲取足夠營養的人士 4) 適合需要限制水份攝取的人士 Fortisip Compact Protein is a Food for Special Medical Purposes for use under medical supervision. Fortisip Compact Protein is a high energy (2.4kcal/ml), high protein (18g protein/125ml bottle), ready to drink, milkshake style nutritional supplement,...
倍力康全效均衡營養粉 - 雲喱拿味 6 罐 (Fresubin® Powder Fibre) 500g [奶商直送]

倍力康全效均衡營養粉 - 雲喱拿味 6 罐 (Fresubin® Powder Fibre) 500g [奶商直送]


有研究顯示,約四分之一住在醫院及超過三分之一住在老人院的人士,可能已經有營養不良的危險。倍健樂 全效均衡營養粉一罐有齊你所需的碳水化合物、蛋白質、脂肪、多種礦物質、微量原素及維他命,給你五大優點: Study shows that around one-fourth of patient in hospital and one-third of people in aged home may have risk of malnutrition1. Fresubin® Powder Fibre is complete balanced nutrition formula. One can contains all nutrients you need: carbohydrate, protein, fat, various minerals, trace elements and...
QV Intensive With Ceramides – Hydrating Body Wash 醫學修護系列-潔膚露 [醫生推薦] 350ml

QV Intensive With Ceramides – Hydrating Body Wash 醫學修護系列-潔膚露 [醫生推薦] 350ml

On Sale $216.50 Regular price $250.00

醫學配方有助於強化皮膚屏障,舒緩乾燥痕癢泛紅的皮膚.極乾痕及濕疹皮膚適用. 獨特醫學配方Ceramides EOP & NP Complex及修護因子, 幫助強化皮膚屏障. 舒緩肌膚乾痕問題. 弱酸性、不含香料、皂、防腐劑, 通過皮膚科測試. [Clinically proven to help reinforce skin barrier]  For eczema prone skin. QV intensive with Ceramides Hydrating Body Wash is a dermatologically tested, enriched cleanser formulated to help restore skin hydration while gently cleansing away surface...

新加坡 Air Plus 口罩 抽氣機 - AIR Micro Ventilator

$199.00 Sold Out

< 新加坡 Air Plus 口罩  > Air Plus口罩,經歐洲 CE FFP1/2/3 及 美國 NIOSH (N95) 測試認証,配備 Micro Ventilator / Smart Mask 專利,有效保護用家,大大減低空氣污染及病毒感染機會。 Smart Mask filters at least 95% of all non-oil based airborne particles, including harmful air pollution such as PM2.5 particles, haze, volcanic ash and...

Sebitar Scalp Cleansing Treatment 時備他治理頭皮洗髮液 [紓緩濕疹的頭皮症狀] 250ml

$100.00 Sold Out

時備他治理頭皮洗髮液溫和地治理頭皮濕疹情況,溫和配方能消除頭部皮膚痕癢及發炎。 Sebitar gently relieves eczema of the scalp. The mild formula relieves itchiness and reduces inflammation while gently cleansing the scalp. Benefits• For relief of the symptoms of eczema of the scalp.• Relieves itching scalp and reduces inflammation.• Soap-free and gentle enough to use every day.• Reduces...
Hyalo Gyn Vaginal Hydrating Gel  陰道保濕劑 1 Tube (30G) and 10 single use applicators

Hyalo Gyn Vaginal Hydrating Gel 陰道保濕劑 1 Tube (30G) and 10 single use applicators


陰道保濕劑是一種可消除陰道乾燥和康復的非激素非處方藥。提供腫瘤治療後或突然停經的女性的需要。 HYALO GYN® is a personal lubricant intended to moisturize and lubricate to enhance the ease and comfort of intimate sexual activity and supplement the body’s natural lubrication. HYALO GYN® 1 Tube (30G) and 10 single use applicators composition Principal component : Hydeal- D 0.2%(an ester of...

ENSURE Vanilla Powder 雅培金裝加營素 900g

$199.00 Sold Out

Ensure 雅培金裝加營素含11種護心營養素,不含反式脂肪及膽固醇,有效保持心臟血管健康。含26種活力元素,提供完整均衡營養,避免因乳糖不適而引起肚瀉。成人奶品均衡營養品幫助刺激腸道益菌增生,提升抵抗力。 Ensure provides complete and balanced nutrition for use as a meal replacement, or as a supplement. It is SPECIALLY FORMULATED with a heart-friendly fat blend, ENSURE contains low saturated fatty acids, no cholesterol and no trans fatty acids, and meets the American Heart...

Pinetarsol Solution 皮得露潔膚溶液 500ML [無鹼性沐浴液針對皮炎和痕癢皮膚]

$130.00 Sold Out

無痕無痕淨液針對發炎和皮膚皮膚,溫和地清潔皮膚。適合全身使用,面部皮膚發紅及痕癢皮膚。 Pinetarsol Solution 是一種無皂清潔劑,適用於發炎和發癢的皮膚。它有助於緩解紅腫和瘙癢,同時溫和清潔皮膚。適合全身使用,是舒緩大面積紅腫皮膚的有效方法。   特點 • 有助去除痕癢和過敏與皮膚相關的皮膚症狀,如皮疹、尿布疹、炎傷、熱籱蟲咬、肛門及外陰曬曬• 溫和地清潔炎炎和痕癢皮膚• 有助破壞痕癢生命週期•酸鹼值(pH)均衡,有助生活皮膚天然保護•中性至油性皮膚使用 皮得露能夠緩解以下引起的頭髮和發炎症狀: • 炎炎• 尿布過敏• 曬傷• 痱子• 蟲蟲• 陰部和肛區咬• 其他皮膚過敏。 避免使用酒精,以防止引發炎症。PH值6.5 用法*   500毫升瓶身:一個瓶蓋可載10毫升。使用前請搖勻。對於嚴重發炎的皮膚,與清水一起使用。浸浴:將15-30毫升*皮得露潔膚溶液加入1個有溫水的浴盆內(5毫升*在嬰兒的洗澡或洗手盆)浸浴5-10分鐘,然後輕輕拍幹皮膚每天1次,較嚴重情況者可多次使用。淋浴:將皮得露直接塗於濕潤的皮膚上,待得輕鬆,簡單。然後是神秘的皮膚。對於小穹窿/臥床病人:將10毫升皮得露加入3升的水中,然後用海綿探測洗滌患處,然後乾皮膚接觸不到眼睛。應有可能。兒童接觸不到的地方。表演外用。請保存在30℃以下的環境。”成分三乙醇胺月桂基硫酸鹽6.0% w/w,焦油(松焦油) ) 2.3% w/w, 苯乙醇   好處• 有助於緩解與一系列皮膚病相關的瘙癢和炎症,例如皮炎、尿布疹、曬傷、痱子、昆蟲叮咬、肛門和生殖器瘙癢。• 溫和清潔發炎發癢的皮膚• 有助於打破“癢-抓循環”。• pH 值平衡,有助於保持皮膚的天然保護。• 適合中性至油性皮膚。說明* 對於 100 毫升和 200 毫升瓶:一瓶蓋含有 5 毫升。對於 500 毫升瓶:一瓶蓋含有...
[新包裝] QV Intensive With Ceramides – Light Moisturising Cream 醫學修護系列-潤膚霜 [醫生推薦] 350ml

[新包裝] QV Intensive With Ceramides – Light Moisturising Cream 醫學修護系列-潤膚霜 [醫生推薦] 350ml

On Sale $236.50 Regular price $270.00

醫學修護系列-潤膚霜 醫學配方有助於強化皮膚屏障,舒緩乾燥痕癢泛紅的皮膚.極乾痕及濕疹皮膚適用. 獨特醫學配方 Ceramides EOP & NP Complex及修護因子, 幫助強化皮膚屏障. 舒緩肌膚乾痕問題.弱酸性、不含香料、防腐劑, 通過皮膚科測試.  [Clinically proven to help reinforce skin barrier]  For eczema prone skin. QV intensive with Ceramides Light Moisturising Cream is a dermatologically tested, enriched cream to help reinforce the skin barrier by alleviating very dry...

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