維憶健-VAY-C -Vayacog (30 capsules) [適合關注早期記憶減退人士使用]

維憶健-VAY-C -Vayacog (30 capsules) [適合關注早期記憶減退人士使用]


適合關注早期記憶減退人士使用Medical food for the dietary management of Early Memory Impairment DESCRIPTION Vayacog® is an orally administered medical food for the clinical dietary management of complex lipid imbalances associated with early memory impairment. Vayacog® is a specially formulated and processed composition designed to address the distinct,...
SANOFI Mobility 動必骼 (沖包)   關節營養補充品  每盒30包 300g

SANOFI Mobility 動必骼 (沖包) 關節營養補充品 每盒30包 300g

On Sale from $400.00 Regular price $480.00

MobilityTM 動必骼 是一種由先進技術製成的關節營養補充品,成份為生物活性骨膠原蛋白肽。MobilityTM有助: MobilityTM is an advanced nutritional supplement for joint health with Bioactive collagen peptides as its ingredient. MobilityTM can be mixed in any non-carbonated and non-alcoholic liquid or food of your choice.  修補及有助製造再生膝關節軟骨,有助保持關節靈活 修補關節同時針對骨膠原和蛋白多醣,佔90%關節成分 改善腳力及活動能力 早於12個星期見效 想知道更多有關產品的詳情?請按這裡   用法: 將MobilityTM沖包與你所選的飲料和食物(酒精或有氣飲料除外)混合即可飲用或食用。每日一包。 成份: Hydrolyzed collagen 10克 包裝: 每盒30包 Functions...

Viartril-S 維固力 [對退化性關節炎具療效]

From $380.00 Sold Out

要更有效擊退關節痛,Viartril-S (維固力) 是意大利羅達馬博士藥廠研發藥品,擁有多項臨床醫學研究,其所含的有效成份是Crystalline Glucosamine Sulphate,並且是唯一經過全世界各大醫學研究機構臨床實驗證明,對退化性關節炎具療效的Crystalline Glucosamine Sulphate 製劑,能緩解骨關節病患者的症狀,改善活動能力和減慢軟骨磨損,是最穩健之選。 Contains the clinically tested Crystalline Glucosamine Sulphate for mild to moderate joint pain. Originally formulated and patented by Rottapharm and has been approved as a prescription drug in Europe for the treatment of osteoarthritis. The only glucosamine...


On Sale $300.00 Regular price $388.00

保達武是一款營養補充品,主要成份為鋸葉棕櫚,專為40歲以上的男士而設,專有助維持前列健康,令你輕鬆又暢通  Prostamol is a health supplement for men over 40. It promotes healthy prostate function and reduces sleep disruption, thus maintaining vigour and quality of life. Prostamol is made in Germany; 90% respondents saw initial improvement after 30 days;  Prostamol uses Serenoa Repens extract, which helps to: Maintain...
Nutricia Souvenaid 智敏捷 125ml x 48支 <2箱開心價>1箱24支 [有助初期腦退化人士改善記憶力]

Nutricia Souvenaid 智敏捷 125ml x 48支 <2箱開心價>1箱24支 [有助初期腦退化人士改善記憶力]


Souvenaid® 智敏捷® 是一種有效改善記憶力的醫學營養品;獨特的專利營養配方 Fortasyn Connect™,含有促進腦部神經細胞聯繫的主要營養素:奧米加3脂肪酸、尿苷單磷酸、膽鹼、維他命B、C、E及硒,支持腦部突觸形成,有助初期腦退化人士改善記憶力。 臨床實驗證明可改善認知功能,適合關注腦部健康,認知及記憶力減退人士使用。 Souvenaid® is a medical nutrition drink that nutritionally supports memory function in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Souvenaid® is designed to be taken as one bottle (125ml) once a day, in addition to the normal dietary intake; to nutritionally support the...
Nutricia Fortijuce 營果健 200ml x 48支 [果汁口味,高熱量營養補充品,不含脂肪及纖維]  <2箱開心價>

Nutricia Fortijuce 營果健 200ml x 48支 [果汁口味,高熱量營養補充品,不含脂肪及纖維] <2箱開心價>


營果健是荷蘭進口,高熱量營養補充品 (1.5Kcal/ml, 每瓶提供300Kcal),不含脂肪及纖維,適合喜愛果汁口味營養品的人士,開啟便可飲用。 Fortijuce營果健含有豐富維生素及礦物質,是一個良好的補充品選擇。適合日常飲食攝營養不足/不均衡人仕。每瓶蘊含多種維他命、礦物質及蛋白質,不含脂肪及乳糖。Fortijuce營果健可提供熱量補充 ,適合日常飲食攝營養不足的長者作為補充。 適合喜歡非奶類營養補充品的長者作為補充。 Fortijuce is a Food for Special Medical Purposes for use under medical supervision. Fortijuce is a juice tasting, ready to drink, high-energy 1.5kcal/ml nutritional supplement with added vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Fortijuce can be used to supplement the...
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