ATOPICLAIR CREAM 愛妥麗非類固醇藥膏 [緩解階段的過敏性皮膚炎/濕疹]

On Sale $227.00 Sold Out Regular price $260.00

愛妥麗藥膏是一種獨特,經臨床證實,非類固醇藥膏,可用於紅腫和緩解階段的過敏性皮膚炎(濕疹)。愛妥麗是非類固醇藥膏,無氣味,無苯甲酸酯類,甚至嬰兒也可安全使用,並可減輕痕癢,燒灼感和疼痛的相關皮膚狀況。  Atopiclair is a new, non-steroidal lotion that is designed to relieve the symptoms and signs of eczema (atopic dermatitis) and allergic dermatitis (contact dermatitis). People with eczema have a weakened skin barrier that makes their skin easily irritated, itchy, and prone to flare up with...

ATOPICLAIR CREAM 愛妥麗非類固醇藥膏 [緩解階段的過敏性皮膚炎/濕疹] - 3 支開心價

$580.00 Sold Out

愛妥麗藥膏是一種獨特,經臨床證實,非類固醇藥膏,可用於紅腫和緩解階段的過敏性皮膚炎(濕疹)。愛妥麗是非類固醇藥膏,無氣味,無苯甲酸酯類,甚至嬰兒也可安全使用,並可減輕痕癢,燒灼感和疼痛的相關皮膚狀況。  Atopiclair is a new, non-steroidal lotion that is designed to relieve the symptoms and signs of eczema (atopic dermatitis) and allergic dermatitis (contact dermatitis). People with eczema have a weakened skin barrier that makes their skin easily irritated, itchy, and prone to flare up with...
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