Nutricia Souvenaid 智敏捷 125ml x 24支 [有助初期腦退化人士改善記憶力]

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Souvenaid® 智敏捷® 是一種有效改善記憶力的醫學營養品;獨特的專利營養配方 Fortasyn Connect™,含有促進腦部神經細胞聯繫的主要營養素:奧米加3脂肪酸、尿苷單磷酸、膽鹼、維他命B、C、E及硒,支持腦部突觸形成,有助初期腦退化人士改善記憶力。 臨床實驗證明可改善認知功能,適合關注腦部健康,認知及記憶力減退人士使用。 Souvenaid® is a medical nutrition drink that nutritionally supports memory function in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Souvenaid® is designed to be taken as one...
Vendor: Nutricia

Regular price $795.00

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Souvenaid® 智敏捷® 是一種有效改善記憶力的醫學營養品;獨特的專利營養配方 Fortasyn Connect™,含有促進腦部神經細胞聯繫的主要營養素:奧米加3脂肪酸、尿苷單磷酸、膽鹼、維他命B、C、E及硒,支持腦部突觸形成,有助初期腦退化人士改善記憶力。


Souvenaid® is a medical nutrition drink that nutritionally supports memory function in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. Souvenaid® is designed to be taken as one bottle (125ml) once a day, in addition to the normal dietary intake; to nutritionally support the connections in the brain, called synapses.



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智敏捷® 獨特的專利營養組合,經歐洲的大型臨床研究,證實連續3個月每日飲用1支,有效促進腦部突觸形成和腦神經細胞聯繫,有助早期阿爾茲海默氏症人士改善記憶力1-3。 另外,根據最新一份刊登於權威醫學期刊刺針(腦神經科)的研究結果發現,早期患者每日服用智敏捷®24個月後5

  • 臨床認知障礙症評定量表CDR-SB(包括:管理日常生活中的表現,如處理家庭突發事件、財政的處理或忘記重大事件)的衰退情況比對照組中減少45%;
  • 腦部萎縮較少,與對照組相比,服用智敏捷® 後,患者腦部海馬體的萎縮減少了26%,腦心室容量的增大亦減少了16%。

亦有本地研究指出服用智敏捷® 有助穩定患者情緒及改善睡眠情況6







Souvenaid is a medical nutrition drink specially formulated for people with early Alzheimer's disease that has been developed to support the network of the brain. It provides the nutritional building blocks that are particularly necessary for people with mild Alzheimer’s disease. Clinical trials have shown that Souvenaid has a positive effect on people in the early stages of this disease, as it supports the connections in the brain.

Souvenaid represents a completely new nutritional approach to the management of mild Alzheimer’s disease. It has been designed to supply nutritional building blocks to the naturally occurring biological processes in the brain that are involved in maintaining the brain’s integrity. The combination of nutrients is unique, and they work together synergistically, so that the effect is greater than when taking them individually.

Souvenaid contains nutrients that occur naturally in food, although the amount of these nutrients would be difficult to achieve through a normal diet. These nutrients are utilized by the body in the same way as the other nutrients from food. In clinical trials, Souvenaid was well tolerated and no side effects were observed when using regular medication. You should consult your doctor or pharmacist before you start taking Souvenaid to verify the product is right for you and will not interact with any medication you may be taking.

Souvenaid Cappuccino/ Vanilla is sold in boxes of 24x125ml bottles.
