Fresubin® 2kCal Drink  倍力康™2千卡高能量營養品  200毫升 x 48支  [ 2箱開心價 ]

Fresubin® 2kCal Drink 倍力康™2千卡高能量營養品 200毫升 x 48支 [ 2箱開心價 ]

On Sale $1,270.00 Regular price $1,400.00

倍力康™2kcal高能量營養品是完整均衡營養品,專為需要額外補充營養人土而設。它可提供人體所需的營養素包括碳水化合物、蛋白質、脂肪、各種維生素及礦物質,特引適合蛋白質或熱量攝取不足人士,可作日常營養或代替主餐之用。 Fresubin® 2kcal drink is complete balanced nutrition. It is tailor made for people who need extra nutrition. It provides nutrition of what your body needs, including carbohydrate, protein, fat and various vitamins and minerals. It is especially suitable to people who do not have enough...
FRESUBIN® DIBEN DRINK  倍速定關注血糖營養品  200ml X 48支 [ 2箱開心價 ]

FRESUBIN® DIBEN DRINK 倍速定關注血糖營養品 200ml X 48支 [ 2箱開心價 ]


跟一般營養奶不同,陪速定關注血糖營養品是專為糖尿病人而設計,其理念建立於地中海的膳食慨念,目的是控制穩定的血糖水平從而預防或延遲糖尿病惡化,同時提供適合的能量組合從而控制體重。 Unlike other nutritional drink, Diben drink is tailored for the need of diabetes patients. Its concept is based on Mediterranean diet. The purpose is to control stable blood sugar level in order to prevent or postpone the deterioration of diabetes and at the same...
果之保 果味營養品 (Fresubin® Jucy Drink) 200ml X 48支 [ 2箱開心價 ]

果之保 果味營養品 (Fresubin® Jucy Drink) 200ml X 48支 [ 2箱開心價 ]


果之保TM高蛋白高能量營養品是專為需要額外補充營養人士而設。可提供人體所需的營養素、各種维生素及礦物質。適用於蛋白質及熱量攝取不足、胃口不佳人士,亦可作日常補充營養之用,是奶類營養品外的另一選擇。 Fresubin® jucy drink is tailored for people with extra need of nutrition supplement. It provides body nutrients which include carbohydrate, protein, fat and various vitamins and minerals. It is suitable for people who does not have enough intake of protein and energy and lose appetite....
Fresubin Supportan® Drink  加力康™癌症專用營養品  200毫升 x 24支  [商戶直送]

Fresubin Supportan® Drink 加力康™癌症專用營養品 200毫升 x 24支 [商戶直送]


加力康 符合歐洲腸内外營養學會(ESPEN*) 食品建議。跟其他癌症營養品比較,加力康癌症專用營養品是唯一低醣高能量高蛋白配方~,補充癌症病人營養。 癌症患者容易出現營養不良及體重下降的問题。視乎癌症的種類及嚴重程度,大慨有31%-87%的癌症患者都會出現體重下降的情況。 Supportan® matches with ESPEN* food recommendation. Compared with other cancer nutrition products, Supportan® has unique low carbohydrate, high energy, high protein formula** to supplement for cancer patients nutrition.  Cancer patients usually have problem of malnutrition and weight loss1 Depending on types and severity...
FRESUBIN® Renal Drink 腎力康營養品 200毫升 X 48支 [ 2箱開心價 ]

FRESUBIN® Renal Drink 腎力康營養品 200毫升 X 48支 [ 2箱開心價 ]


專為腎病病人而設的營養補充品 400 千卡 6克 蛋白質 1種 口味 適合患有慢性腎病或非分解代謝型的急性腎臟受損,但未進行透析(洗腎)的病人。   能量密度高(2.0千卡/毫升) 每支只提供6克蛋白質,減慢慢性腎病(CKD)惡化 微量營養素組合能迎合腎病病人的需求:磷、鈉和鉀含量低,維他命B雜含量高 經過改良的脂肪組合含有魚油,符合保護心血管的建議每日攝取量;單元不飽和脂肪酸(MUFA)含量高,此產品或有助穩定血糖 建議用量: 營養補充:每日2-3支 全面營養:每日5支或以上   此產品沒有根據(藥劑業及毒藥條例)或(中醫藥條例)註冊。為此產品作出的任何聲稱亦沒有為進行該等註冊而接受評核。此產品並不供作診斷、治療或預防任何疾病之用。 口味 雲呢拿味 規格 每支200毫升
倍力康全效均衡營養粉 - 雲喱拿味 6 罐 (Fresubin® Powder Fibre) 500g [奶商直送]

倍力康全效均衡營養粉 - 雲喱拿味 6 罐 (Fresubin® Powder Fibre) 500g [奶商直送]


有研究顯示,約四分之一住在醫院及超過三分之一住在老人院的人士,可能已經有營養不良的危險。倍健樂 全效均衡營養粉一罐有齊你所需的碳水化合物、蛋白質、脂肪、多種礦物質、微量原素及維他命,給你五大優點: Study shows that around one-fourth of patient in hospital and one-third of people in aged home may have risk of malnutrition1. Fresubin® Powder Fibre is complete balanced nutrition formula. One can contains all nutrients you need: carbohydrate, protein, fat, various minerals, trace elements and...
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