ATOPICLAIR CREAM 愛妥麗非類固醇藥膏 [緩解階段的過敏性皮膚炎/濕疹]
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愛妥麗藥膏是一種獨特,經臨床證實,非類固醇藥膏,可用於紅腫和緩解階段的過敏性皮膚炎(濕疹)。愛妥麗是非類固醇藥膏,無氣味,無苯甲酸酯類,甚至嬰兒也可安全使用,並可減輕痕癢,燒灼感和疼痛的相關皮膚狀況。 Atopiclair is a new, non-steroidal lotion that is designed to relieve the symptoms and signs of eczema (atopic dermatitis) and allergic dermatitis (contact dermatitis). People with eczema have a weakened...Customer Reviews
Atopiclair is a new, non-steroidal lotion that is designed to relieve the symptoms and signs of eczema (atopic dermatitis) and allergic dermatitis (contact dermatitis).
People with eczema have a weakened skin barrier that makes their skin easily irritated, itchy, and prone to flare up with a red rash.
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愛妥麗非類固醇藥用潤膚露 - 作维持治療使用
愛妥麗非類固醇藥膏 - 作局部突發病使用
- 最快8天消除過敏性皮膚炎狀況
- 78%用者痕癢減少
- 94%用者不需類固醇藥物來治療紅腫發炎
詳情可下載: Atopiclair™ Skin Care Guide To Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema)
Atopiclair Range - Calms, Restores and Protects your skin
Atopiclair is a new, non-steroidal lotion that is designed to relieve the symptoms and signs of eczema (atopic dermatitis) and allergic dermatitis (contact dermatitis).
People with eczema have a weakened skin barrier that makes their skin easily irritated, itchy, and prone to flare up with a red rash.
Atopiclair™ is a unique, clinically proven, non-steroidal treatment that can be used during flare and remission phases of atopic dermatitis (eczema). It is steroid-free, scent-free and paraben-free, safe even for infants* and relieves itching, burning and pain associated with the skin condition.
It prevents loss of skin moisture for up to 72 hours and offers longer lasting hydration by restoring your child’s natural skin oils, easing their discomfort and protecting your child from future flare-ups so they can have better fun.
Atopiclair nonsteroidal cream helps to relieve dry, waxy skin by maintaining a moist skin environment, which is beneficial to the healing process.
Clinical trials, in adults and children, have shown that Atopiclair relieves the itch and redness associated with eczema. These studies also demonstrated that patients using Atopiclair were significantly less likely to need a steroid treatment than patients using an emollient base cream.
For the management of dry and itchy skin conditions such as eczema and dermatitis.
ATOPICLAIR® can be used alone during remission phases, or in combination with dermocorticoids during inflammatory episodes.
•Apply Atopiclair to areas affected by rash and to areas that itch or show other symptoms
•Apply 2 to 3 times a day (or as needed)
•There is no restriction on how long Atopiclair can be used
•Atopiclair can be used with other topical medicines
For optimum results, use Atopiclair™ Cream for flare-ups and irritation. During remission periods, or when the skin is less inflamed, Atopiclair™ Lotion can be used for maintenance therapy to keep recurring flares under control.
Atopiclair™ Lotion is ideal for general application on babies too.
* You should carefully read all product packaging and labels prior to use .